Dear Participants,
To provide a visual integrity both in symposium and abstract book, please prepare your abstracts with the sample template given below:
- The submission must use abstract template and must contain the submission type (oral/poster presentation).
- The submission must contain at least 200 words.
- The submission must contain sufficient information about the work done.
- The submission must contain sufficient information about the results section of the work.
Thank you for your understanding and concern.
Oral Presentations
- Authors should design their oral presentations as 10 minutes presentation time and 5 minutes for questions and comments.
- Please note that the computers are equipped with Windows operating system as well as Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- The recommended presentation slide size is 16:9 (widescreen).
- All presentations must be copied to the computers in the halls before the sessions.
- Recommended minimum text font is 18 pt.
- SOFAS 2023 informative logo must be used on the opening slide of the presentation.
Poster Presentations
- Posters should be 70 cm wide x 100 cm high and legible through a distance of 2 m.
- Main titles shouldn’t be smaller than 36 pt., text 24pt., references and annotations 18pt.
- Posters can be coloured or black and white.
- Posters should contain official SOFAS 2023 informative logo.
- Posters can be hanged on the first day after registration for public viewing.
- The authors should be present on their poster display area in the Poster Session.
- There will not be any facilities on the conference venue for printing or designing posters.
How to Submit an Abstract
SOFAS 2023 is using a CMT (Conference Management Tool) developed by Microsoft to process and review submissions. To submit an abstract please follow the guidelines given in the CMT Instructions for Authors pdf file.
After a successful submission of an abstract, participants must complete the SOFAS 2023 registration form electronically which can also be find under the registration menu on the frontpage. If you are already a registered user system will give you a warning as soon as you have entered your email address on the registration page.